Same Day Edit
Imagine sitting back at your reception, you've just finished your first meal as a married couple, you're thinking about how fantastic the day has been so far, and up on a screen comes a 3-4 minute highlights clip of your wedding day - that's a 'Same Day Edit'!
Your guests will be blown away, as they re-live all the emotion of what they have just witnessed during the day. They will hear your vows again, see parts of the day they don't usually see - the bride getting her hair & make-up done, the groom putting on his cufflinks & jacket, the wonderful shots captured at your photo shoot - and all of this will be set to a musical score that captures the emotional essence of your wedding day.
Why not set yourself apart from everyone else and have a Same Day Edit (SDE) at your wedding?
We guarantee you won't be disappointed!
A Same Day Edit includes a dedicated editor to compile the footage taken during the day, a projector & screen (if required). Your SDE will then be uploaded to the Everafter Productions blog site within 3 days of your wedding.
SDE Price - $1200
NB - the Same Day Edit is only available as an 'add-on' to one of our standard video packages.
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